Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back Up your Data, Run for your Life

Although hurricane season is off to a slow start this year, there is no better time than the present to protect your valuable company data in the event a storm comes your way this year. Last year after Hurricane Ike, we lost power at our business for over a month. Fortunately, we were able to run things on generator power - and we had all of our critical business data backed up nightly. As a result, our continuity was flawless.

It's not only hurricanes that you need to worry about, however - wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and any number of other events can easily cause you to lose power for long enough to cause data loss. Our data backup partner, GlobalDataVault, has a collection of historical disaster maps that shows a variety of causes of loss. Surprisingly, places like southeast Missouri have had major earthquakes, as well as major floods.

You can take steps to remedy that, however. By implementing an automated backup regime for your business, your data remains safe. Better yet, in the event of equipment damage, some backup services (GlobalDataVault is one example) will provide you with temporary hardware while you get back up and running. So if your on-premise server is damaged by floodwater, they will provide you with access to a virtual server at no additional charge.

So, check them out.

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